
Cambodia | 2018

Meet Mey, age 11, SreyNim, age 12, and Jonron, age 11.

For these three beautiful children, life has been anything but all smiles. Members of the Cambodian Children’s Fund rescued these children from a village-sized garbage dump known as Steung Meanchey, located in the center of Cambodia’s capital city of Phnom Penh. This immense mountain of garbage, toxic and threatening beyond imagination or measure, was home to Mey, SreyNim and Ronjon as well as thousands of other Cambodian children.The Cambodian Children’s Fund(CCF) lifted these children out from this deadly environment, providing a home and education and a future filled with hope. Medical Missions for Children has assisted CCF in caring for these destitute children, providing essential medical supplies and nutritional counseling for the 150+ children that are treated every day in an on-site health clinic.